


The Privilege of Liberal Complacency
US Primary Elections 2024
Anika Robbins, President BVM
‘We are not outnumbered, we are out-organized” - Malcolm X
Be it harsh policies that undermine human and civil rights, or physical attacks such as we experienced in Minneapolis during protests following George Floyd’s murder - many perpetrated by right wing provocateurs, who traveled to Minnesota to infiltrate peaceful protests - is there a plan to protect Americans…to protect democracy?
The Next President: Shaping America's Future Through The Courts
US Primary Elections 2024
Brett Buckner, Guest Editor BVM
The winner of the 2024 election could appoint two Supreme Court justices, potentially locking in a conservative or liberal majority for the next 20 years. President Trump appointed three justices during his four-year term, turning the Supreme Court into a political tool for conservative policies. Case in point: reversing Roe v. Wade.
Project 2025 - A modern Mein Kampf
US Primary Elections 2024
Project 2025, also known as the Presidential Transition Project, is a collection of conservative policy proposals from The Heritage Foundation to reshape the U.S. federal government in the event of a Republican victory in the 2024 U.S. presidential election.
Special Elections
to Note
MN Midterm Elections 2023
J. Deebaa Sirdar, Guest Editor BVM
Outgoing: Minnesota State Representative Ruth Richardson, District 52B
Ruth Richardson was first elected in 2018 as State Representative for District 52B. Her election marked a turn in political tide for the district as she was able to flip the red seat blue. She resigned, on September 1st, 2023, in the middle of her third term.
Redistricting and the 'Khan Rule'
MN Midterm Elections 2023
J. Deebaa Sirdar, Guest Editor BVM
Due to a change in state statute over a decade ago, which was further solidified by Minneapolis voters via referendum in the 2020 General Election, Minneapolis City Council Member term lengths changed from regular four-year terms to irregular two-year and four-year terms. The change in statute is commonly referred to as the “Kahn Rule.”
Spotlight on Duluth
MN Midterm Elections 2023
J. Deebaa Sirdar, Guest Editor BVM
Classie Dudley,
President of the NAACP - Duluth
Duluth is a beautiful, idyllic port town that sits on Lake Superior. Top employers in the region include Essentia Health, Target and AGCO, an agricultural machinery manufacturing company. The 2020 Census puts Duluth’s population at 86,372, with 4.8% representing 2 or more races, and 2.6% African American, or, 2,057.
After the Elections... Then What?
Minneapolis & St Paul Elections 2022
J. Deebaa Sirdar, Guest Editor BVM
Unfinished Business at the Legislature and a New Biennial Budget
During the last legislative session, Minnesota lawmakers failed to come to agreement on spending plans for a $9B dollar budget surplus. At a time when the cost of gas, food and nearly all essential and nonessential goods and services hit an all-time high, an extra nine billion dollars was left untouched in our public coffers.
Brooklyn Park Voters Will Elect First Black Mayor
Minneapolis & St Paul Elections 2022
J. Deebaa Sirdar, Guest Editor BVM
When Brooklyn Park Mayor Lisa Jacobson decided not to run for reelection, after serving just one year due to the 2021 special election, Brooklyn Park residents voted among three familiar candidates in the Primary Election on August 9th . All three candidates happen to be Black. Wynfred Russell and Boyd Morson both currently serve on the Brooklyn Park City Council, and both gave up their seats on the Council in order to run for mayor.
The Impacts of the Hennepin County Attorney Race
Minneapolis & St Paul Elections 2022
J. Deebaa Sirdar, Guest Editor BVM
There are about 50 attorneys and legal support staff that make up the Hennepin County Attorney’s Office (HCAO), and about another 450 full time staff, yet only the chief prosecutor among them is elected by the general public. This elected official, the Hennepin County Attorney, presides over the entire office.
Democracy or chaos? Democracy is under attack..who will defend it?
Minneapolis & St Paul Elections 2022
Brett Buckner, Guest Editor
January 6th was a culminating activity during the 2020 election cycle. In several capitals across the country, many Americans had to check their resolve to determine America's commitment to the concept of the rule of law, and the process of democracy.
Ranked Choice Voting (RCV) Hot Takes
Minneapolis & St Paul Elections 2021
J. Deebaa Sirdar, Guest Editor BVM
RCV: what is it?
Minneapolis and St. Paul utilize a Ranked Choice Voting system. Ranked choice voting, sometimes called “instant runoff voting,” allows voters to rank as many or as few candidates as they like, from their most favored to least favored: first choice, second choice, third choice, etc. Voters can, but are not required to, rank multiple candidates. A voter may vote for only one candidate if they so choose.
Minneapolis, St. Paul & Metro Area
2021 Election Hot Takes
J. Deebaa Sirdar, Guest Editor BVM
Incumbent leadership is upheld in the Twin Cities as Mayors for St. Paul and Minneapolis were re-elected following the most tumultuous, politically charged election cycle since….2020.
Minneapolis City Council swings more conservative, overall, despite voters electing the first Democratic Socialist and Black woman – Robin Wonsley-Worlobah - and a majority of people of color.
Ballot Question Takeaways
Minneapolis & St Paul Elections 2021
J. Deebaa Sirdar, Guest Editor BVM
Minneapolis voters decided: “yes,” “no,” “yes.”
“Yes” to Ballot Question 1: Government Structure: Executive Mayor-Legislative Council – Approved.
Administrative and executive power over the departments, hiring and firing department heads, transfer away from the city council and to the mayor.
What Happens Nov 3rd?
A Closer Look at Minneapolis Ballot Question 2
J. Deebaa Sirdar, Guest Editor BVM
Abolish. Defund. Transform. Reimagine. There is charge in words. This year, Minneapolis voters will collectively determine whether structural change of the department in charge of protecting and serving their city and neighborhoods is possible. Broadly penned policies tend to lose efficacy. Lawmakers are well aware of this, as are the marginalized communities who lose out once all of the layers of government, bureaucracy and democratic processes are applied.
Making the List
Black Votes Matter MN Editorial Policies
J. Deebaa Sirdar, Guest Editor BVM
There is significant interest in this year’s municipal elections! Early voter turnout in Minneapolis is unprecedented this year, and will likely continue through Election Day. Voter referendum questions for both the Minneapolis and St. Paul ballots have the potential to transform establishment politics and bring about bold change.

Laws Regulating Rent Increases
A Good Step and Not Enough
J. Deebaa Sirdar, Guest Editor BVM
The effectiveness of rent stabilization laws varies. How rent caps are determined and their relationship to market variables, such as rate of inflation, complicates results and can either help or hurt the gap in who can and cannot afford to remain housed. Both Minneapolis and St. Paul are majority-renter cities.
Now What?
From Protest to Power: Civic Engagement 101
Anika Robbins, Founder & Editor-In-Chief
The murder of George Floyd by Minneapolis Police drew unprecedented outcry and protests worldwide. In fact, there have been protests every day since…and for good cause. But what can we do between now and the upcoming elections-and thereafter-to bring about lasting change?
What The Hell?
What the Hell Is …The Census?
Breaking Down The Census: Why We Need To Make This One Count
Ms. Margaret, Guest Contributor
“What the hell is the census?” A common response heard around the nation as we begin to approach the 10 year mark to complete the census again. While we talk a lot about the importance of voting with the 2020 U.S. Presidential election right around the corner, the important conversation about the census is often left on the table.
We are a non-partisan voter engagement campaign designed to increase civic participation and leadership development in the Black Community of Minnesota.
Anika Robbins, BVM Founder
Assuming your Role as an Unapologetic Tax-Paying Voter
“I’m not really political” something I used to say-even as recent as 1 year ago-although I’d been engaged in civic engagement for at least 10 years prior. My first election was in 2007 to help elect President Obama. When he won, I remember how proud and hopeful I was that my vote counted. It was an exciting time to be alive, to see the first African American become President of the United States.
After that, I became involved in local campaigns. But I quickly realized the need for ongoing voter education. People were turned off by political tactics, namely: only hearing from candidates during campaign season to ask for money and votes. Beyond that, there was no further engagement, no rapport developed, and no invitation to participate in governance.
People of Color have not been issued an invitation to participate in their government, nor do we need one. However, if you’re not familiar with the process or know where to start, it can be intimidating-and that’s by design. Black Votes Matter MN has made it our cause to inform fellow citizens of their right to participate. And while, we would love to see more of us voting or, running for office, there are other ways to plug in, support and let your voice be heard.
What is your role in elections?Choose a Cause The first step is to educate yourself on the issues. Clarify what issues matter to you and your family? The next step is to research the candidates and political parities to see where they land on your issues. This will inform how you activate from there. Volunteer Running a campaign is a lot of work-for at least 6-15 months, it can be a full time job. Volunteers are a valuable support system to a political candidate-especially those operating on a shoe-string budget. Volunteers help make calls to voters, canvass neighborhoods, help table at events, perform data entry, and then some. This is also a great way to see the candidate up close and personal. You’ll learn a lot about the issues, their values, and you’ll learn a lot about the process. Not to mention, it’s great on your resume! Donate Campaigns costs money to be effective. Lawn signs, food, printed mailers, paid campaign staff, all cost money. Small campaigns are especially dependent on campaign donations. Consider donating to your candidate. Trust us, they appreciate ANY amount you can give. VOTE At the very least, be sure to cast your vote on Election Day! Elections have been won-and lost-with as little as 5-10 votes. Don’t believe the rhetoric; every-single-vote-absolutely-matters!
What should I do after the Election?Lobby Follow the issues you identified that matter to you. Support issue-based advocacy groups i.e. NAACP, ACLU, Teachers of Color, Restore the Vote, etc. Show up at the State Capitol for rallies, sign petitions, call your legislators and let them know how you feel about an issue and their position on it. Many legislators say they don’t hear from their constituents, but if they did, they would be responsive. Some are not always receptive, but many are…if you show up. Attend Government Meetings Look up your city’s website to see the meeting calendar and decide what meeting you will attend. Or, if you get a notice in the mail about a public meeting, make it a point to attend. Most, if not all, government meetings are open to the public. There is usually a period for public comment, too. This is a great opportunity to see your tax dollars at work! Not to mention, you learn the process and see how they arrive at decisions. From there you can decide how you want to engage. Don’t forget, your neighborhood association, school board, PTA, etc, are also forms of government with opportunities for you to deepen your civic participation. Call Your Representatives Most public officials have newsletters, community meetings or ‘public office hours’, etc. Attend these smaller intimate conversations to learn more about your representative, and maybe even pick their brain about issues. Voting and civic engagement is not new to us. It is an integral part of our heritage. Back in the day, our parents and grandparents supported campaigns by voting, holding bake sales, and other fundraisers, for their chosen candidates. Today, babysitting, driving voters to polls, sharing candidate events on Facebook, rallying your friends and family to vote-all count as civic engagement. If you are 50 and younger, it’s time to start assuming that role. The truth is, whether you feel political or not, your very being and Blackness is political. Political decisions are being made everyday that affect you-with or without you. The more you become involved now-on a consistent basis-the less you have to protest later.
NOVEMBER 5, 2024